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This was my first hike out with my friend who had been bugging me to go. The trail started at the Sunnyside lot on the Albion Basin Road. Soon after hitting the trail it started to climb, up the side of the basin, then down a little bit then back up another steep hill where it levels off to a nice view of the basin, Devils Castle, The Sugarloaf, and Mt Baldy.
After taking in the view, it's up another steep incline, to a mountain meadow with a beautiful view of wild flowers, and the back side of Mt. Wolverine. As you cross the meadow you will come to a 90 degree turn, and a set of switchbacks. After the switchbacks you climb one more hill and you are there. Catherine Pass has an elevation of 10,220 feet with great views of the Brighton Lakes Trail, Lake Catherine, and Sunset Peak.
Being an outdoors lover this was superb. The temperature was 79 degrees, far better than the 100 degree temps we were having in the valley. A Falcon was hunting something on the side of Sunset Peak, we watched as it floated around the peak looking for what we believe were Deer Mice. Seeing as we had plenty of daylight, we decided to make for Sunset Pass.
This hill is really steep, but that is not the hard part, there is a sand/dirt mix on the trail, it really slows you down. Imagine walking on a beach but instead of the flat sand, a vertical climb as you sink. As we left the vertical beach behind, we came to a pass that we could see Mt Timpanogos, and most of American Fork canyon. Then up another small incline and behold - Sunset Pass.
This had an even better view of the Brighton Lakes, and the wind kept the flying critters at bay. Finding time to unwind up here was really worth the hoof up that sandy incline. Cliff Bars, some Pistachios, and water made for our little feast at the top. What a beautiful day. This is a hike I recommend to everyone. It does have some steep grades, but they are not to long and give you a taste of being on top of it all. This hike is the one that started it all for me, so I am partial in saying it is one of my favorites. I think if you give this one a go, it will be a favorite of yours too.
Little Cottonwood Canyon- Trail Head-Sunnyside lot, Albion Basin, Alta
Distance to Catherine Pass- 1.5 miles
Elevation Gain- 1200 vertical feet to 10,220
Hiking Time- 1hr 10 min
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