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I received a free tram pass up @ Snowbird ski resort, so not to let it go to waste, and it being a late Sunday, I wanted to summit Mount Baldy via the ridge traverse from Hidden Peak.
With little time to climb the gulch to get to the peak, I used my tram pass and rode the tram to the Hidden Peak summit. It is a great ride with central views of the Peruvian Gulch which I hiked earlier this season.
As you dock at the Hidden Peak summit, you then begin the traverse to Mt. Baldy by walking around the back side of Hidden Peak to the service road that junctions with Chips Trail Run. Continue across the saddle and onto Mt. Baldy you go. This part of the trail gets a little hairy because there are some parts that without care you could fall a long way. This trail cuts along the ridge and follows the saddle to some rock outcrops which start your ascent to the summit of Baldy. This is a short but steep workout on the legs, which switches back and forth till you reach the top.
Off to your left you will notice you are looking down at Hidden Peak and if you keep your eyes peeled, you will probably see an overhead view of the tram making its way up the gulch.
On you press till you see the cell tower on top of the peak. Once there you will see some spectacular views of Mt. Superior and Monte Cristo, Cardiff Pass, the Albion Basin, the Sugarloaf, Devils Castle, and even a shot of Mt. Wolverine and Sunset Peak. At 11,068 feet the sights are great!
You can see the entire canyon all the way to the valley! I made the trek back to Hidden Peak and took some sunset shots, then made the long decent on Chips Trail Run. All in all this is a great hike to do if you plan on riding the tram to Hidden Peak. Or start from the visitors center at Snowbird, and hike the gulch to the peak, then ridge traverse to Mt Baldy, then continue on to Sugarloaf Pass and down into the Albion Basin.
The Wasatch is by far the best terrain in the world for hiking. So get up and get out there! You don’t know what you are missing.
Little Cottonwood Canyon- Trail Head- Hidden Peak- Snowbird Resort
Distance to Mt. Baldy from Hidden Peak- 1 mile
Elevation Gain- loss to gain 670 feet to 11,068 feet
Hiking Time- 50 min
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