Pyro Putty Fire Starter Full Review

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In this review, we are going to put the Pyro Putty fire starter to the test. This review will answer some of the most common questions about Pyro Putty. Is it waterproof? Will it start fires in cold damp climates? Does Pyro Putty replace other fire-starting tools?

But first, let’s talk about the three blends we use in this review.

Eco Blend, Winter Blend, Summer Blend:

Pyro Putty Summer, Winter, Eco Blends

Pyro Putty offers several different blends that are meant to be used in different environments, and also different times of the year. For example, the winter blend is thinner and made to be used in colder temperatures. The summer blend is thicker and made to be used in hotter temperatures. Our favorite is the Eco Blend which we have used in winter, spring, summer, and fall. The Eco blend offers a citronella scent which is a natural bug repellant, and it also glows in the dark when exposed to a UV light.

Okay, now that we have the blends covered, there is one more thing we would like to talk about before we get to the review.

Why Listen to Us?

One thing about reviews online is generally when a new product hits the market, the internet blows up with reviews, and videos. Pyro Putty Waterproof Test These reviews provide information on how great a product is, even though most of these reviewers have only used the product for a very short period of time. Ford and I have been using Pyro Putty for well over a year and we have used it in many different situations, and weather conditions. Before we even considered doing a product review, we already knew the answers to most of these common questions, due to using the product. So, we weren’t surprised when we let a chunk of Pyro Putty float down the river, or when we buried it in the snow, which brings us to the very first question.

Is Pyro Putty Waterproof?

Yes, Pyro Putty is waterproof and will light up even after being dropped in a river, or buried in the snow. The key to getting the putty to light in any situation, is you must pull apart the putty to expose the fine fibers. These tiny hairlike fibers, easily light when exposed to a flame or spark.

Will it start fires in cold damp climates?

Pyro Putty Fire Starter

As mentioned above, Pyro Putty is waterproof and it is a great fire-starting tool in areas that are damp, and cold. However, Pyro Putty doesn’t replace basic fire-starting techniques. Even in the coldest and dampest climates, there are ways of finding dry tinder. This tinder could be the bark from an Aspen tree, or Cedar tree. In our opinion a good fire bundle will give you the best chance of fire with Pyro Putty or any other fire-starting tool. The advantage of the putty is the burn time. With the burn time you have a much better chance at getting your bundle started. Watch the video above, to see our burn time test, of the Pyro Putty summer blend.

Does Pyro Putty replace other fire-starting tools?

No, in our opinion Pyro Putty is another tool to be added to your outdoor gear. Having multiple fire-starting tools will give you a better chance of making fire, especially in emergency situations. Pyro Putty is one of those tools that can help simplify starting a fire in all sorts of climates, and weather conditions.

Pyro Putty Burn Time Test

This is a product that we carry and take with us on all sorts of outdoor activities. Whether it be car camping, backpacking, or starting a fire in the backyard firepit. If you would like to add Pyro Putty to your outdoor gear, please use this link. This link is an affiliate link and we do make a small commission if you decide to make a purchase. These commissions help keep Utah Outdoor Activities online. As always, we thank you for your ongoing support.

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