Escalante Petrified Forest State Park

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Escalante State Park

Escalante Petrified Forest State Park features colorful deposits of mineralized wood and dinosaur bones. The 130-acre Wide Hollow Reservoir on the park's boundary adds water recreation and fishing.

OHV riding areas are closeby. The park is located 1.5 miles from the quiet western town of Escalante off State Route 12. Facilities include a visitor center, 22-unit campground, modern rest rooms with showers, sanitary disposal station and interpretive trail. Visitors will enjoy several trails, which wind throughout the park. The Petrified Forest Trail is a one-mile loop, winding through lava flows and thousands of pieces of petrified wood. The Sleeping Rainbows trail is an optional .75-mile loop off the Petrified Forest Trail. This section is much steeper and requires scrambling and climbing over rocks.

More Information:

Escalante State Park

710 North Reservoir Road

Escalante, Utah 84726-0350

Phone: (435) 826-4466

Utah State Park Campgrounds

Utah State Parks

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