Fremont Indian Petroglyphs

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Fremont Indian Petroglyphs - Dinosaur National Monument

Stop #13 and #14 on the Tilted Rocks Auto Tour will give you a chance to view several Fremont Indian Petroglyphs high on the stone cliffs. This rock art is said to be over 1000 years old so be sure not to touch the art itself or the rock around the art. From the parking area of stop #13 you will need to climb a very steep and rocky trail to reach the rock art. Just up the road from stop #13 you will reach stop #14.

From the parking area of #14 look up on the cliff face to see a very large lizard chipped in the dark stone wall. Just to the right you may also see the man playing the flute. If you wish to get a closer look at this section of Petroglyphs you can take the trail directly across the road. This trail is not as steep as #13 but it will take a little longer to reach the rock art.

More Information:

Phone:(435) 781-7700

National Park Service - Dinosaur National Monument

Nearby City:

Vernal Utah


Vernal Utah Hotels (Affiliate Link)

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