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Do you enjoy history? Do you believe preserving history is an important way of educating the future? Well, the many staff and volunteers at the Historic Wendover Airfield think so, and they have done an amazing job of restoring, and telling the story of this once booming Army Air Force training base. Because of their hard work a dedication to preserving this piece of American history, you and your family can see and learn about all of the events that once took place so far out in Utah's West Desert.
The construction of the base begun back in the 1940’s. The location of the base was chosen due to the vast, mostly uninhabited flat desert location. At the time, Wendover, Utah was home to only 103 residents. In 1942 the Wendover Army Air Base was activated as a B-17 and B-24 heavy bombardment training base.
The Manhatten project was a top-secret program enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt for the purpose of developing an atomic bomb. In 1944 the development of the bomb was underway and the 393rd Bombardment Squadron was moved to the base. The Wendover Air Field was the location where inert bombs were tested, and improved. Training of the B-29 pilots who ultimately dropped the first atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan in August 1945, also took place at the base.
If you find yourself traveling through Wendover, or visiting the Bonneville Salt Flats, take the time to visit the airfield. Visitors can walk through the museum, climb to the top of the control tower, and take part in daily tours to the B-29 Enola Gay Hangar, atomic bomb loading pit, and more.
From I-80 east / west, exit onto the Wendover main strip. Turn south at the Shell Gas Station, just barely on the Utah side of the border. Head straight through two stop signs until you can go no further, you will see the Historic Wendover Airfield sign directing you to your left, which leads you into the operations building parking lot.
Musuem Phone: (435) 665-7724
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